Wednesday, March 6, 2013

St. Patrick's Day is a Beer Holiday

Every year about this time we face a real dilemma:  what to do for St. Patrick's day, March 17 which this year is on a Sunday.
I'm just saying:  St. Patrick's Day is a Beer Holiday.
And now you know the dilemma.  We are a CANDY and GIFT store, not a bar or even a restaurant with a bar or even a grocery store with a beer cooler.
So what to do when a customer wants a St. Pat gift?  We don't even have beer flavored candy, although I have no doubt that it is out there. 
We dig deep into our somewhat limited experience of St. Pat's day and come up with green candy, green candy bags, shamrocks on candy bags and of course, the ole Pot of Gold (chocolate foiled covered coins) as suggestions for a St. Pat's gift.
Some of the novelty stores do carry hats, bow ties, spinning and lighted lapel decorations, long twisted pipes, shamrock decorations and such....all for those who have parties on St. Pat's day or just want to show up all decked out for the holiday.  I have to say that we have none of those items.  The day comes and goes so quickly that for us it just doesn't make sense to stock up on novelties and decorations.
And I've had some really painful and disappointing experiences with Shamrock plants.  I just don't have the luck of the Irish when it comes to keeping a healthy Shamrock around the house.
This year we are just preparing ourselves for the inevitable question:  what do you have for St. Patrick's Day?  We will show that customer our green chocolate sixlets, our green M & Ms, our green Jelly Bellys, our green Rock Candy, our green salt water taffy, our green Kiwi get the picture....and hope that wonderful green candy can take the place of green beer!

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