Thursday, November 21, 2013

Are We Going To Be Black Or Red?

34 days and counting until Christmas.  And only 9 more days to purchase your Advent Calendar if you are a follower of that tradition and don't want to gobble down 5 pieces of chocolate because you started your Advent Calendar on December 5.  Of course there are those people who would adore gobbling down a bunch of chocolate!!
We are winding down from our Obsidian Trunk Show and our 2 day Holiday Party.  And at the same time, we are gearing up for holiday gift baskets and other gifting ideas which our customers bring to us.
The days actually go by so quickly that we hardly realize how time slips by when you are busy and thinking about a dozen things at a time.
In the middle of the night I am liable to wake up and remember something I need to do, or a person I need to call, or an email which didn't get sent.  If there is no piece of paper on my night table, I repeat over and over to myself what I need to remember.  Do I always remember it in the morning?  Who are we kidding?
Somehow though one of our staff reminds me of what needs to get done.  What would I do without the constant interchanges with our staff?  I have found that delegating is the very best way to assure myself that everything will get done and will look perfectly wonderful.
Guess what?  We are also receiving phone calls from sales reps whose holiday selling is done and they are ready to sit down and look at Valentine's Day or Easter or just the new collections of gifts or candy which are coming out the minute we hit January 1.
Some of the clever sales reps, realizing that there is no time in December for retailers to think ahead to the spring, take their vacations, their cruises or simply their time off during December.  
You might wonder about personal time?  There isn't a lot of that to be had at this time of the year.  You  know, that is a good means that our end of the year will be black and not red!.

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