Friday, April 29, 2016

Buying a Gift For Mom

The National Retail Federation reports the following:

** Americans will spend $21.4 billion on Mother's Day
** the average amount spent by each consumer is $172

Let's see how that divides up.

** $4.2 billion on jewelry
** $4.1 billion on outings, like to restaurants or movies or theatre or ball games
** $2.4 billion on flowers
** $2.2 billion on gift cards....who buys their mom a gift card?
**$1.9 billion on clothes....who buys their mom clothes?
**$1.6 billion on personal services, like a spa
** $792 million on greeting cards

Here's where people are expected to spend their money for Mom.

** 33% will go to a department store  (I guess that is for the clothes, gift cards and perhaps jewelry)
** 28.7 will go to a specialty Lowe's or Home Depot or maybe the flower shop??
** 23.1% will go to a local small business (LIKE SWEET TOOTH, WE HOPE AND PRAY)

And, of course, here is the killer for the local small business:  27.3% will go online to buy a gift.

Where will you be spending your $172 for MOM?

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