Saturday, January 13, 2018

Happy New Year! Starting Over Again.

Here I am on January 13, 2018 and it has been a good little while since my last post in November.

Happy New Year!!  By now you may have caught up with us in our new location, 36th and Harvard, in between Toni's Flowers and Ed Beshara's.  It really feels like after 25 years we have come to rest in a very Happy Place.

September 1, 1992...that was the day we signed the papers to own Sweet Tooth, which was in The Farm Shopping Center.  With us that day was my sister and her husband (our partners at the time), my Mom and Dad and our friend and attorney Richard.  We owned a Gift Shop, a Candy Shop, a retail store and we knew absolutely nothing about retail.

What an adventure.  Mom and Dad are gone and we no longer have partners.  However we are once again starting over in a new space, with some new customers and new merchandise and it feels just right.

At this time of the year, we normally attend the Dallas Market.  Yes, we are going there again in a few days.  And it always feels just right at the Market, since we have wandered those halls for over 25 years.  We know where all the bathrooms are, where our special showrooms are from which we have ordered over the years, even some of the sales reps whose faces are so familiar and welcoming.

Every January we start again.  We look for new merchandise, something special and unique which we can bring to our customers and the trip is like a cross between Candy Land and Monopoly.  Getting to Dallas is a bit tiring, but once inside the Dallas Market, we sigh and  the fun begins.  Sometimes we hit it big...just the right merchandise which distinguishes us from other online and brick and mortar stores.

So watch this space to hear about the latest and the greatest at Sweet Tooth.  Visit us, if you haven't and let us know what impresses you and what you'd like to see in our store. 

By chance we picked the Pantone color for 2018...a version of purple for our walls, which is one of the compliments we get from folks over and over.  Ah well, purple has been a favorite at Sweet Tooth, vibrant, cheerful and looks good on just about everyone and everything.

Our staff, Doris, Lisa, Brianna, Julie and Virginia (occasionally Alyssa and every Saturday, Sabrina) are the basis for all the good stuff that happens in our store.  We are fortunate to have a team who care and who work well together.  Sometimes from my new, tiny office I hear their laughter and it warms my heart to know they are "taking care of business" and having fun.

See you at our Happy Place.

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