Saturday, May 6, 2017

Protect Yourself!!!

Have you received new credit cards and debit cards with the CHIP?  Some people think the CHIP is bad business, that it takes longer to run the card, that sometimes the CHIP doesn't work in the credit card machine, etc..

Let me disabuse you of all those thoughts and give the CHIP its glory.

By January, 2016 credit cards in the US are required to begin replacing cards with CHIP cards.  This is an international technology and apparently you don't have to give your consent to have this new embedded  CHIP.

Here is why the CHIP is good for all of us. 

Does the CHIP make our credit and debit cards safer, harder for thieves to steal your identity?  It seems the answer is both YES and NO.

YES for big corporations because the CHIP adds an extra layer of protection in the corporate system computers.  Remember when Target and Home Depot were hacked and millions of numbers were stolen?  The CHIP will add protection to those corporations' computer systems, which is ultimately good for all us card carrying consumers.

The CHIP does not necessarily help us individually.  In fact we might be at greater risk when we are out and about and our cards are not adequately protected as they lay in our wallets.  What can you do about that?

To protect your cards from scanners which penetrate your purse, pocket, suitcase and backpack you need to consider purchasing a sleeve or a case which has a metal alloy that can stop the RFID scanner beam.

Guess what?  Sweet Tooth has been carrying those cases and sleeves for several years and since they are part of the "gift industry", they are attractive as well as safer for your cards.

Come into Sweet Tooth and ask for the Armored Wallets and Sleeves. For about $10.00 or less, you can protect your credit cards while showing off a case with art work, beautiful natural designs or even sort of a plain Joe (or Jane) look.

Remember we are still at 38th and Harvard.....but in July we will move to 36th and Harvard.  Stay with us as we make this transition.  Thanks.