Thursday, December 13, 2012

Shop Smart!!

This time of the year people who carry credit cards use them for most all their purchases.  As a retailer, I have swiped thousands of credit cards, so I consider myself a "person of experience".
What I see a great deal is customers with unsigned credit cards.  This has always bothered me because I think that if someone steals that card, signs the card carrier's name on the back, most of the time no one will bother to question whether the one using the card is the one who owns the card.
I am relieved to tell you that I am not alone in thinking this.  One of my favorite magazines, ShopSmart which is associated with Consumer Reports has confirmed my concerns.
Over my Raisin Brand this morning I read an answer to the question:  "Should I sign my credit card?"
The answer is this:  Credit Card companies tell retailers to reject a credit card if it is not signed.
And for the owner of the credit card, if your card is signed and then used by someone else, you will have zero or $50 liability for fraud, as long as you contact your credit card company in a reasonable amount of time.
In other words, signing your card ratifies the cardholder agreement and puts that protection in force for you.
What about putting "See I.D." on the back of the card?  I frankly don't understand why anyone would do that instead of signing their name.  Most of the time when I follow the customer's instruction and ask for an I.D., the customer tells me that I am one of the few retailers who ever ask for that information.  Therefore, "See I.D." isn't really providing any protection for the customer.
ShopSmart recommends carefully checking your credit card statement every month or online.  You can also sign up for email alerts to monitor your transactions.
I love that magazine!!  It gets to the point.  Systems only work when we use them properly and when everyone participates in the system.
So get out your big black marker and sign the back of all your credit cards right now.  Don't leave your financial security to others. 
End of sermon.

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