Friday, January 16, 2015

Grumpy Cat and Selfie Poll

Have you seen Grumpy Cat?  I knew nothing about The Grumpy until my daughter Sabrina said, "Oh Mom???" and then she showed me Grumpy Cat.  I understand that the Cat makes a good bit of money with licenses on that  scowl.
I just want to point you in the direction of Grumpy Cat mint tins which have been very popular at Sweet Tooth.  Over the holiday period we sold out of both everyday and Christmas Grumpy Cat.  Sitting by the candy register, people just couldn't pass up that little punim (Yiddish for FACE).
And now there are Valentine Grumpy mints and Grumpy has not one good thing to say about Love and Valentine's Day.  "I was in love once.  It was awful."    Meh!

We also need to point out that the Selfie Poll continues to attract attention.  We've got some goodies up our collective sleeves re: The Poll.

Wouldn't it be fun to use the Selfie Poll to take a picture of Grumpy Cat.....if  The Cat could stand for it??!! Hey, no opposable thumb to push the button on Grumpy's phone.  Looks like The Cat is going to have to make at least one friend.

Stay tuned.

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