Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Put That Smile On Your Face

I was just thinking today how awesome all of us are when we share our ideas with each other, when we become the cheering squad for our friends and family, when we stop thinking of how we can beat the other guy and instead think about how we can lift him or her up.
What does this have to do with candy and gifts?
Over the years I have sometimes thought of myself as the iconic bartender, who listens to all her customers, their troubles, their triumphs, their questions about life.  And all I had to do was solutions, just being there when someone wanted to talk.
Believe it....this does happen in a retail store.  And it is not what some refer to as Retail Therapy...which is really just running away for the day and having a great time without a care in the world.
In our world, people are often just trying to find the right gift which will cheer up a friend in the hospital or help celebrate the birth of a child or the marriage of a friend.  Those gifts represent the special feeling we have for each other and the time involved in picking out just the perfect gift to say "We care".
Retail is so much more than ringing up a customer at the register.  You can get that any day anywhere.  We just want our store to be the Happy Place for our customers, a place where people know that we care about them and want their day to be the best.
So, is this a little sappy?  Yes, it is and yet why not rise above the everyday problems which life throws at us?
I always told my daughter....the little have a smile in your pocket....put it on your face.
So I am smiling at all of you....
And now back to ordering Trollbeads and Minion tic tacs and paying the bills.  Right?

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