Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How To Make a 30 Second Commercial

Want to know how 30 second commercials are made here at Sweet Tooth?  Want to know how Jeff has become the celebrity of 30 second commercials?  Here goes.
In September we finally put a date on the calendar for videotaping our new ad for t.v.  Our producer and videographer, Diane and Davis Ward presented us with 2 scripts...take offs on the really popular t.v. show
MAD MEN.  They asked us to pick one of the scripts, we did and we were off and running.
Thanks to our hairdresser Erica, we had make up and hair mapped out.  Thanks to Christa at the T.U. Costume Department, we had 1960's style dresses for our actresses, Lyle and Kayley.  And thanks to Lyle and Kayley, who agreed to be poked and prodded, hair colored, wearing false eyelashes which can be very irritating, standing occasionally in high heels and re-taking each of the scenes several times, we had the pieces of the ad in the cannister.
Then along comes Sabrina, who has been the voice of all our ads except one, who went to the studio and recorded the voice over for the ad.
Let's not leave out Jeff, who had his hair and eyebrows colored, who had to eat several candy cigarettes, who stood in front of the green wall and pretended to be falling down and finally had to appear as Don Draper on a show that, frankly, he has never watched.
The entire filming process, except for a couple of pieces in Davis' studio, was videotaped in our store,  That involved about 5 hours of getting ready and then doing the filming.  Davis had to set up the exact lighting, there was lots of moving around of displays in the store and of course the obligatory standing around, kibbitzing, laughing, with hands on hips and several opportunities to give our opinion to Davis, who is very good at politely ignoring our intrusions.
Davis' final effort was to find just the right music to go along with the MAD MEN idea.  That was a bit of a longer process.
The day came when Jeff and I went over to Davis' studio to see the finished product.  Each time we do this we bring M & Ms to eat...it's tradition.  Of course we had to see the 30 second ad over and over to catch all the nuances and we gave it a big thumbs up.
Now it is your turn.  The ad begins running on various cable shows November 1.  Don't fast forward through the ad....it is a lot of fun.

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