Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Becoming the Homecoming Queen

I read fashion magazines.
Well, I can't really say I "read" them.  Rather I flip through these magazines and study the pictures.
When I was a teen, nothing was better than the monthly "Seventeen" magazine.  Now that was a magazine where reading the articles was even more important than the pictures.
After all, I just had to know the rules for being the coolest girl.  I wanted to look like the models and follow all the advice in the magazine.
I wasn't in with the "social circle".  I was more on the fringe looking in.  I wasn't intimated, I didn't yearn to be with that group.  I simply was curious to know what it was like to be the Homecoming Queen or the class secretary.
When I look at the fashion magazines now it's to try to figure out the next hot trend -- the new color -- the next great jewelry line.
After all, knowing that is homework for a retailer.  If only we retailers knew the secret formula for retail success, it would be like being the Homecoming Queen!!

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